What is the Biggest Lead Management Mistake in Email Marketing

by | Jan 15, 2018

Your marketing team can work tirelessly, and your sales team can burn the midnight oil trying to convince people to buy your product, but if you make the biggest lead management mistake, much of that effort is immediately lost. This simple mistake can cause a lot of problems for your business. For one, you lose productivity and revenue. Simply put, you are burning too much time, and effort for small returns. Worse, this common lead management mistake can put your company in bad light which will create further issues later on.

Responding quickly to every lead will solve this. This may seem like a small aspect of the process. However, a quick response from your sales team is exactly what will keep a lead considering your product over the product of your competitors.

Consider how not responding quickly impacts the return on investment from each of the following marketing efforts.

This may seem like a small aspect of the process. However, a quick response from your sales team is exactly what will keep a lead considering your product over the product of your competitors.

Lead Management in Targeted Search Engine Ads

If you are spending on keyword analysis and buying keywords on search engines, you want every single click to convert. Advertisements still cost the company whether or not lead passes unnoticed or addressed too late.

By responding quickly to ads driven traffic, your sales team can guide the new customer through the purchase process. This is a complete departure from the traditional way of responding only after the customer has chosen the competitor’s product.

A “marketing automation” that informs the sales team of new leads from Adwords is essential in keeping response times low. Following up on Lead Management may happen multiple times after that initial contact. However, the biggest predictor of success is that original response time.

Advertisements still cost the company whether or not lead passes unnoticed or addressed too late.

Lead Management in Email Marketing Campaigns

What is the Biggest Lead Management Mistake in Email Marketing

Email Marketing campaigns can be great for gauging customer interest because a single clickthrough can qualify as a customer inquiry. However, there must be very little time between this inquiry (sometimes in the form of an actual question, other times simply by clicking through your site) and a personalized follow-up from a sales representative. There needs to be a way to filter and find valid sales leads.

In this manner, your sales team gets the most revenue for the time they spend with leads.

In order to accomplish all of this, a clear lead management workflow is essential because every minute between steps will lose some of your potential leads. Quickly responding in a personalized manner or incorporating that lead into the correct drip campaign is the difference between a customer and a missed opportunity.

There must be very little time between this inquiry (sometimes in the form of an actual question, other times simply by clicking through your site) and a personalized follow-up from a sales representative.

How Fast? Faster Than The Competition

 How Fast? Faster Than The Competition section photo

Many numbers have been attached to the speed with which sales teams need to respond to different kinds of leads. Nevertheless, the truth is that the main goal of using the alerts within a CRM is to be the first to respond to a lead. After all, most consumers are now using the internet to find multiple potential vendors for whatever they wish to purchase. The best possible time to sell a product is when the person is already looking to buy.

However, if you are the last to respond to an inquiry, you may not get the chance to ask the customer, “How may I help you?”

Instant updates are already the name of the game in CRM software. Still, the priority needs to be structuring your sales team around making sure these leads are followed immediately. Creating a culture that places the urgent work of lead follow-up above other tasks will yield incredible ROI. An important step in this process is identifying qualified leads, so that no time is wasted pursuing unlikely opportunities.

The main goal of using the alerts within a CRM is to be the first to respond to a lead.

How to Respond Quickly Every Time

 How to Respond Quickly Every Time Section photo

Finding a lead management solution that works for you requires reliable software, a corporate culture that intelligently segments the leads you receive, and a team that can help you maximize the utility of their product. SalesNexus provides the support you need and the robust software you need to avoid the biggest lead management mistake and take advantage of all this software can offer your business.

Email List Enrichment