Better Open and Click Through Rates – In Living Color

by | Mar 14, 2014

Click Through Rates – It was February 14, 2005 in San Mateo, California. YouTube was founded and the world recognized that video has power. Shortly after that, marketers started trying to ramp up their email marketing using the obvious power of video.

The early years were tough. Video equipment was expensive and required significant expertise. When the video was embedded into the email there was often issues with downloading. About the only way to send an email was to link it with YouTube and even that method had issues. It was simply not feasible to use in most company’s email campaigns.

Success with Video

Emailed videos are proving to engage readers. It is also an excellent way to get the email recipient on your website. Here are a few statistics from a survey by The Relevancy Group. They coined the term EVE for Embedded Videos in Email. The survey asked companies to report on the return on investment when using video. This is what they reported:

  • Higher click-through rates – 55%
  • More subscriber time viewing email – 44%
  • Increase in sharing/forwarding of email – 41%
  • Improved conversion rates – 24%
  • More ad sales generated – 15%

The embedded email contains a miniature web page when the content creator uses HTML formatting. These small movies have the power to set you apart from competitors. In fact, studies show that videos are retained in our consciousness more vividly than simple text messages.

If you know your audience well enough to know what kind of video resonates with them, it actually adds value to their day. If the video is not relevant, they will quickly consider your videos not worth watching. It’s that simple.

7 Tips to Consider

  1. Videos files are large so keep the size of your email small.
  2. Don’t just link your video to YouTube. Use a dedicated landing page to keep your reader from being distracted by the millions of other videos available.
  3. The user will be attracted by a thumbnail image with a play button. The image will help with click through rates too.
  4. Testimonials make great videos. They bring authenticity and open an opportunity to ask other customers to do the same.
  5. Include text in the email to entice the recipient with what to expect when the video is viewed.
  6. Keep the video above the fold of the email to see better click through rates.
  7. Send your video emails outside of work hours when people are able to listen without distracting co-workers. This is particularly true with B2C companies and retail stores.

Video in Email Gets Results

According to, one company generated more than 1 million views of a TV video trailer within an email message. Costco Wholesale experienced a 40% higher order value for a campaign segment and Eastwood generated over 30% higher orders. Saks Fifth Avenue, Barneys New York, and Disney are all using video in email as a way to connect in new and modern ways.

As mobile device usage accelerates, companies stuck in a 2000-era mindset will be left behind.

Is video in email for everyone? Maybe not. Which will your customers prefer…EVE (Embedded Video in Email), or ADAM (Another Damn Advertising Message)?

Email List Enrichment