The Ultimate List of 2015 Email Marketing Statistics for Your Business

by | Mar 19, 2015

Email Marketing Statistics -With nearly three out of four marketers stating that email marketing remains one of the most effective B2B communication channels for
lead nurturing and sales, it’s clear that email marketing is here to stay. It’s no surprise that 59% of email marketers plan to increase their budgets
this year.

Wondering how your B2B email marketing program stacks up against the competition? From the latest trends in email marketing to program performance stats,
here’s what your business needs to know in 2015.

With nearly three out of four marketers stating that email marketing remains one of the most effective B2B communication channels for lead nurturing and sales, it’s clear that email marketing is here to stay. It’s no surprise that 59% of email marketers plan to increase their budgets this year.

Wondering how your B2B email marketing program stacks up against the competition? From the latest trends in email marketing to program performance stats, here’s what your business needs to know in 2015.

Email Newsletters Dominate, But Mobile Opt-Ins are Most Effective

When it comes to how marketers use emails, email newsletters are the go-to choice for B2B marketing. However, the most effective emails are mobile
opt-ins. Finally, subject lines remain important for improving open rates, and the addition of a lead’s name can make a difference for CTR.
  •  Marketers report that their top three uses for email are newsletters 66%, promotional content 54%, and welcome series emails 42%.
  • Marketers report that their most effective emails are mobile opt-ins 76%, birthday emails 75% and transactional emails 74%.
  • “Posts” and “jobs” are the subject line words generating the highest click-through rates.

Click-thru Rate Secrets: Send Emails on Saturday morning

What’s the best day for sending an email? Saturday, it turns out:
  • Saturday has the highest click through rate at 9%; Sunday is second at just under 9%.
  • 6 AM has the highest click-through rate of any hour.
  • “Secrets” is the most clicked subject line word in lead nurturing emails.
  • Click through rate (CTR) is higher when using the recipient’s first name in the subject line over no use of the first name or the recipient’s company
    name over no company name mention.
  • The most recent email subscribers are most likely to click through.
  • Beware Tuesdays: the highest rate of unsubscribes (0.52%) is on this day.
Email Marketing Trend Alert: Mobile and Responsive Design Dominates
With 80.8% of email users reading email on mobile devices, it goes without saying that emails must be smartphone-friendly:
  • One-third of marketers say their subscribers read emails on mobile devices at least 50% of the time.
  • 72% of U.S. online adults send or receive email via a smartphone at least once per week.
Email and mobile advertising are increasingly tied together with smartphone users “screening” their emails via their mobile inbox. When all it takes
is a quick swipe to delete messages the second they land in the inbox, it’s more critical than ever that subject lines are compelling and impactful.
If your click-thru rates are falling, a lack of mobile optimization may be to blame. Nearly all email marketers are using responsive design; if
you’re not, you may find yourself to be the odd man out:
Only 24% of marketers rarely or never use responsive email design.
Email Marketers Use Click Through Rates to Track Program Success, Want to Improve Automation
While email marketing remains a top communication channel, marketing teams admit that there’s room for improvement:
  • The top three metrics to track email marketing success are click-through rates 47%, conversion rates 43% and click-to-open rates 38%.
  • Nearly two-thirds of companies would like to improve marketing automation 64%, email personalization 64%, and segmentation 62%.
Improving marketing automation is key to better ROI for email marketing. Triggered email messages (i.e., messages that are sent automatically in response
to an action like downloading a white paper or joining a webinar) get 119% higher click-through rates than general “business as usual” marketing
Bottom line:
When it comes to strengthening your email marketing programs this year, focus on responsive design, better list segmentation and improved automation
for better ROI.
Email List Enrichment