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Advantages of Email Marketing

https://youtu.be/heZtl72qa2g?t=1036 Lead Nurturing Investment: $1000 on technology and about 4 to 8 hours to put together emails.This is where you take the leads you already have (you don’t even have to generate new leads), and stay in touch with them.Take note...

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Advantages of Email Marketing

Strategizing your Marketing and Sales Process

Surprising Marketing Sales. Craig Klein is the CEO of SalesNexus. Craig began SalesNexus 17 years ago to help businesses reach new customers. In short, to manage customer relationships and grow scales. Therefore, SalesNexus implemented all elements of sales...

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Strategizing your Marketing and Sales Process

Sales Team Automation and Measuring Lead Response

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr0VpMA27Yw Are too many of your leads turning cold because your sales team is taking too long to follow up? If you’re not calling new leads fast, you’re losing money!  Here’s an article from Inc Magazine that shows how fast the...

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Sales Team Automation and Measuring Lead Response

Alternatives to Facebook Ads and Adwords

Are Facebook, Twitter and Google Ads profitable? For most businesses, the greatest change of the last decade has been the increasing emphasis on Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Twitter Promotions and Youtube Ads to market your business. The armies of consultants...

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Alternatives to Facebook Ads and Adwords

Marketing Alternatives for the New Normal

https://youtu.be/heZtl72qa2g?t=732 Most of companies were depending on Marketing Alternatives that are just gone. Traditional Marketing: Trade shows - most events have closed because of the health restrictions Networking Cold-calling - people are no longer at their...

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Marketing Alternatives for the New Normal

Add Text Messages to Your Auto-Responder

https://youtu.be/Kk7J3VT07No Are you sending out emails using your auto-responder, but not receiving many replies? In this video, find out why you need to schedule texts to your auto-responder, and how easy text message marketing is to do. The problem is, people...

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Add Text Messages to Your Auto-Responder

SalesNexus December 2020 Release

SalesNexus today announced the release of an update to it's CRM and Marketing Automation suite, scheduled to be available on December 11, 2020. Here's what's new... Enhancements & Improvements Notifications Now SalesNexus alerts you of Important...

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SalesNexus December 2020 Release

Back To Business – The New Normal Webinar

https://youtu.be/ghQv2CfHxa0 When will customers return to their offices? When will industry trade shows start again? Who knows? Stop waiting! Normal Marketing and Sales Tactics are unavailable due to lockdown and the current crisis. Adapting is the only way to...

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Back To Business Webinar - The New Normal