Relationship Advice: How to Develop a Realistic View of Love

by | Nov 19, 2014

Relationship Advice: How to Develop a Realistic View of LoveIf you opened this article thinking you would learn how to improve your love life,
you are going to be disappointed. The title was lifted from a Huffington Post article
in August 2012.
You can read it here.

Relationships with a significant other are complex and difficult. Today’s business
doesn’t have to suffer with the mystery of relationships because we have tools
to make it possible to deepen relationships with our sales leads and customers.
Here are a few facts driven by research about today’s buyers.

Sales Leads don’t think they need you

Most of your lead generation activity involves grabbing the attention of someone
who does not currently know, like or trust you. Even the tried-and-true method
of personal referrals involves a bit of research to be sure you deserve to be recommended.
Skepticism runs rampant in the minds of those who make purchasing decisions. Nowhere
is this skepticism stronger than in the B2B environment.

The buying process has become complex and is taking more time. Often multiple
layers of decision making are needed to result in a sale. The world of options
is continually expanding, yet sales leads are likely to spend months on the internet
before they will contact a sales person to help them. After they have done extensive
research, they either believe they already know it all – or – they want you to
send them additional resources to make the decision. They demand resources without
any sales presentation. They don’t want to hear your benefits.

Sales Leads demand relevant communication

Your future customers expect you to communicate only information that is relevant
to them. We have already talked about the aversion to sales pitches. The sales
lead expects you to deliver only information that is
specific to their needs.

Delivering on this type of expectation is not easy. In fact, it is virtually impossible
to manage this expectation without the help of a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager).
With the leverage of data in your online CRM, you can segment your messages to
reach a specific target audience.

When someone within a narrow target area becomes a sales lead, be ready with relevant
materials that they will find useful. With the right mix of CRM technology, carefully
crafted strategy and highly developed skills, a relationship with sales leads becomes
beneficial to everyone.

Sales Leads expect personalization

Each touch-point in the relationship with sales leads benefits from personalization.
With today’s email marketing platforms, it is easy to personalize the messages
sent. While the recipient is fully aware that the personalization is automated,
we are all narcissistic enough to enjoy seeing our own name on emails.

Advanced personalization comes when everyone in the company has access to the
CRM software. This is the most effective way to demonstrate that your customer
is the center of your organization. Nothing frustrates a customer more than having
to explain their needs to multiple people when a problem arises.

When everyone in the organization can pull up the customer’s record to see what
has been purchased and when…plus all the interactions with them, the customer
feels that you are invested in the relationship. It is meaningful to them. It makes
them feel valued and it increases the chance that they will share your content
with others.

A deep relationship with sales leads and customers is not about gushy warm feelings.
It is about
sales growth and increased ROI. Implement these strategies and see your profits
(and love from your customers) soar.

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