7 Steps to Responsive Email that Captures Buyers Early in the Buying Cycle

by | Jul 18, 2014

Email that reaches a variety of mobile devices can boost your ability to reach buyers early in the buying cycle. Marketers have researched industry statistics and learned that 50% of today’s emails are opened on mobile devices. With 294 billion emails sent each day, companies have no choice but to adapt to the buyer trends to stay competitive.

We’ve outlined 7 important steps to creating responsive email campaigns.

1. Create a Road Map

Responsive email is much more than making the desktop version scalable. Your message should be consistent from a smart phone to the desktop and website. Set clearly defined goals about how your clients interact with your products/services and provide a smooth customer journey.

2. Narrow Customer Segments

The ever-present email has lowered recipient’s tolerance of irrelevant emails. Many people actually check their email on their mobile devices because it is so simple to delete the ones that don’t grab their interest.

The only way to survive is to be keenly aware of the target audience for each email campaign you send. Segment your overall email list according to persona, stage in the buying cycle, source of sales lead or any other category that fits your business.

3. Encourage Customer Feedback

Find ways to get a conversation started. Not only does feedback help you with strategy, it also deepens your relationship with the sales lead. If you ask for their opinion and act on the viewpoint they expressed, they feel a bit invested in what you bring to them.

4. Make Calls-to-Action Brief

When it comes to mobile devices, every character counts. Don’t make your email recipients scroll through anything unnecessary to the purpose of the email. Make the emails concise, clear and compelling.

5. Don’t Skim Over Metrics

Knowing where you stand with your email marketing is key to staying up with the trends. Be clear about your goals and use your CRM dashboard to monitor whether you are getting the results you anticipated. Don’t be afraid to A/B test to determine which method works best. Little changes such as the wording of your subject line can make a huge difference.

6. Keep Employees Informed

Set up staff members in your email marketing campaigns to keep them aware of any list-building offers, informative content or promotions. One clueless employee can make all your hard marketing work ineffective.

7. Guard Customer Data

Customer data, including email addresses, is a precious treasure you need to keep private. Review your email marketing practices to assure that all customer data is secure.

Use each of these seven steps to implement your responsive email marketing plan.

Define your goals for providing a smooth customer journey. Create a road map that outlines what you want to achieve.

Email List Enrichment