SalesNexus Release Notes

by | Apr 21, 2017

SalesNexus Releases

Improvements and bug fixes released in SalesNexus CRM and Marketing Automation are listed below with most recent at top.

SalesNexus Announces Version 5 Release – August 6th, 2020

Enhancements & Improvements

Send Automated SMS Text Message Campaigns (Or add texts to existing campaigns) in SalesNexus

  • Built in RingCentral Integration – Click to Call & SMS Text Message Campaigns
  • You can add SMS text messages to any campaign – mix and match campaigns with emails, calls, tasks and texts!
  • Create Text Message Templates utilizing custom merge tags for any field in your database. The opportunities are endless!create new schedule
  • You can add SMS texts to any campaign – mix and match campaigns with emails, calls, tasks and texts!
  • Read more on SMS functionality

Email Editor 5.0 – Completely New & Stunning in its Simplicity

  • Seamless, Intuitive Design & Feel for Effortless Email Template Creation.

Email Editor 5.0 - Completely New & Stunning in its Simplicity

  • Drag & Drop Functionality (Images, Content, Cells)
  • Ability to clone rows, text, cells, or images in 1 click
  • Gorgeous New Starter Template Library for quick designs
  • Ability to rearrange and move rows by clicking and dragging
  • Easily add social links and social share iconseasily add social links and social icons
  • Access to Old Email Editor and Templates still available for use under “View Email Templates (old)” and “Create Email Template (old)”. Campaigns still work as expected, and you can mix old and new templates in your campaigns.

 Improvements to Imports Process

  • FB2132 – import service – contact name -> first name + last name and vice versa reported issues 
    • If no full name or first and last name is specified, our Automation will now generate the first and last name or full name based upon the full Name, and Vice Versa.
  • FB2057 – Import Service – easier handling mismatched data types
  • FB2069 – Imports – added ability to import notes
    • If you have a notes column in your import spreadsheet, you can map any field content to be created as a note on your contact records.
  • FB2103 – Import service – Duplicate Checking Capability in Upload File
    • New Import Feature will not allow you to import duplicate contacts
    • You can download a list of the duplicate contacts not imported after your Import
  • FB2118 – imports – remove field when mapped –
    • If you have already mapped any field (i.e. First Name), you cannot map it again. It will be unavailable to use. 

Improved Email Delivery

  • FB2143 – For new clients and Free Trials, we have switched to use Amazon SES as an option for improved Email Delivery Rates.
    • If you would like to get setup through our updated mail server for improved delivery, reach out to for more information.

Contact Records

  • FB2025 – Reorganize Your Right Side Contact Layout Tabs
    • Click on the Menu Bars next to the Layout Names and drag them to the order in which you’d like them to Display

Other Noteworthy Enhancements

  • FB2116 – X Menu and Main Navigation Improvements
    • Instead of Clicking the “X” for Menu, you now click the “Menu” Icon to the right of the “X” main navigation improvement
  • FB2158 – Check DKIM Status On My Record Page, or any user contact record
    • At a glance check DKIM status by the Green Check Mark ( DKIM Setup Properly), or Red X (DKIM not set up properly)
    • DKIM Set Up Properly

dkim setup

    • DKIM Not Set Up Properlydkim setup not working
  • FB2117 – Integrations Page UI Improvements
    • Your Most Helpful Integrations – All in 1 Place
    • salesnexus integrations
  • FB2138 – Calendar View – Want to see more than 1 user’s calendar at a time & save the settings for next time? In the Calendar, check the users you want to see and click Save Selection. calendar view

Bug Fixes

  • FB2213 – Email template button BCC/CC  works as expected
  • FB2197 – click notification duplicate activities when clicked too quickly
  • FB2073  – View Campaign button in View Contacts not creating lookup
  • FB2031 – Issue where Apply layouts created duplicates
  • FB2107 – logged out return url now redirects as expected
  • FB2128 – Fixed temporary issue where My Settings voip choice was not saving correctly

Release April 30th, 2020

Enhancements & Improvements

  • 1919 – Imports – We’ve made some massive improvements to our Imports Process. We’ve also added the ability to add newly imported  contacts to a Specific Group right from the Import Page!

map contacts

    • 2062 –  All new⚙️Settings Menu! Everything is Streamlined. Just look for the ⚙️Gear Icon on your ToolBar or navigate to X Menu > System Settings. Here, Easily Add Contacts, Manage Users, Manage Your Account, and so much more! Can’t find something? Search for it!
    • 2061 – Showcase Integrations for easier access to common integrations. No need to search, friends! Go to X Menu > System Settings > Integrations. Here you’ll be able to request web lead capture, get your email capture and calendars synced up, and connect with other applications you use every day!
      salesnexus integrations api
  • 2059 – Collecting Leads from Your Website has never been easier! Now you can request a Lead Capture Setup Script directly from your SalesNexus Account!

  • 1966 –   We’ve added the ability to merge contacts! Duplicate Contacts? No problem! In your contact lookup, click “Edit List” and then select the contacts you’d like to Merge. Made a mistake? No worries! You’ll see notes with the old information on the Contact Record’s “Notes” detailing the update.

contacts current lookup         

  • 1737 – Ability to delete Group Documents – Want to delete old files or irrelevant documents from a group? We’ve added the ability to delete documents quickly and easily from the Group Docs Screen.

group docs

  • 2008 – Allow admin users to change username/login email address in user settings. New email? Tired of Your Username? Admins can now change the logon email address and username of any user, not just their password.
  • 2066 – Import service UI improvements

Bug Fixes

  • 1996 – Deleting a field will now be automatically removed from your layouts (no more errors)
  • 2113 – Email template button fixes – Updated Click Tracking
  • 2009 – Last Note field is now a character field (instead of date field)

Release February 6th, 2020

Enhancements & Improvements


  • 1917 – For import, check duplicate on email address by default
  • 1911 – Ability to Sync Google & Outlook Contacts on the Import Page
  • 1918 – When finished importing, save that mapping as last used
  • 1915  – Add the ability to +add a new field from the imports page
  • 1916 – Verify all setting are correct prior to continuing during the import steps
  • 1923 – When looking at the previous imports page, add the ability to set current lookup from previous import
  • 1941 – Introduced Smart Auto Mapping for fields in Imports Introduced Smart Auto Mapping for fields in Imports
  • 1943 – When mapping data, give tooltip with sample data to help the user match the column.

Email Campaign

  • 1890 – Set a character limit on campaign name, template name, email campaign subject
  • 1924 – Change the order of the campaigns menu
  • 1927 – Make Template Name an editable textbox by clicking to open
  • 1928 – Start A Campaign from any Email Template email template campaign
  • 1930 – Make a thumbnail preview of the email template on the email campaign screen
  • 1932 – In View a Campaign details page, make the “Show..” button display whatever is selected
  • 1934 – Added Open/Clicks Visibility & Date Filters
    • Ability to view Campaigns Open & Click Rates from the View Campaigns Page
    • Added Ability to Sort Campaign Results By Date in Campaign Details Page
    • Added date filter picker that affects the open/clicks/emails sent number


  • 1952 – Remove delete option for the all contacts security group

Bug Fixes

  • 1929 – When copying an email template, the name should be named exactly as typed in (no underscores or “Copy”)
  • 1940 – View Sales Report page not saving user selection
  • 1959 – Saving and loading mapping checkboxes were not working properly in the imports page
  • 1969 – remove DKIM warning from Company Profile & Create Campaign pages, send from in email engine
  • 1973 – FTs updating their user info could change the contact id/status incorrectly in SNL
  • 1987 – Update the automation database on edit list and when importing csv file. Basically editing/creating contacts using these methods will work correctly when working with Automation.
  • 1988 – Improved compatibility with Outlook Capture
  • 2004 – Bug fix that prevented users from saving their company name.
  • Various Additional Security Improvements

Release October 17th, 2019

Enhancements & improvements

    • 1858 – Edit Lookup and Edit View All Contacts Field Values Default Duration
    • 1812 – ReportService: Changing the Notes Report “Notes” column may cause errors when running the report
    • 1802 – Multi-Select Fields in Lookups
    • 1777 – Dashboard Improvements
    • 1846 – Paste html instead breaks on empty input
    • 1856 – Hide templates/Categories for different databases on create email template page
    • 1837 – Send Campaign from View Lookup pages
    • 1822 – Hyperlink Quicksearch
    • 1844 – Creating new users somestimes does not create a contact record
    • 1835 – GSW: Update SNL with data filled in gsw steps
    • 1803 – Ensure Users are Shown as Client in SNL
    • 1871 – Mobile FT GSW experience
    • 1712 – Use Adwords API to get google tracking info
    • 1840 – Performance improvements on lookup
    • 1891 – Automatically truncate on import

Release 4.8.6866 – October 25, 2018

Enhancements & improvements

  • Add icons to Contact View for easier selection of actions and options
  • Dashboards – Allow drilling into Sales Opportunities
  • View Opportunities (beta) added
  • Orange Peel – Add Drag and Drop Functionality
  • Allow Search and Filter for Sales Opportunities by Groups
  • Force required fields to by populated on import
  • RingCentral Click to Call Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Cannot Lookup date values against date fields under quick search
  • Retain users selections when navigating in Calendar
  • Contact Access Permissions Fixes
  • Fixes to Searching in See More Groups
  • Adding Contacts to Groups Fixes in some scenarios
  • Exporting from View Opportunities when including custom fields and notes
  • Campaign edit page displays current username
  • Fixes to spell check in email editor

Release 4.8.6824 – September 07, 2018

Enhancements & improvements

  • Alert Users when logging on with Username that is currently in use
  • Improved Default Layouts and Permissions when Creating New Users
  • Improved Default Saved Lookups and Columns to View when Creating New Users
  • Update appearance of current dashboard tool
  • Add click to call feature to view all contacts
  • Web lead capture service now works with HTML based email
  • Dashboards – display graphs on multi-select fields
  • Add a “Move to Bottom” and “Move to Top” button for arranging Drop Down list Items
  • Add ability to search for Blank Dates in Lookup screen
  • Orange Peel – Make Editor Window screen wider
  • Orange Peel new fonts added
  • Orange Peel – Satellite view for Cells and Columns
  • Preview Email Template when hovering over the Magnifying glass in View Campaign

Bug Fixes

  • Company Profile issues with company URL
  • Rescheduling Task Loses Attendees
  • Recurring tasks don’t rollover
  • Using the directional buttons more than 30 times in a row causes the site to freeze
  • Recurring events do not appear in the calendar’s monthly and weekly view
  • View Sales Opportunity sort on Multi-Select Fields
  • Tasks – Rollover past due doesn’t rollover timeless tasks
  • Additional e-mail address fields use Mailto link
  • Orange Peel  – Changing cell’s width is not taking effect in the email template editor screen
  • Orange Peel – Difficulty editing/selecting a cell that has a hyperlinked image in it

Release 4.8.6689 – April 26, 2018

Enhancements & improvements

  • Added – multi-select value support for reports
  • Added – default saved search for all users “My Contacts”
  • Added – support for different currencies
  • Added – support for dynamic dates in email template editor
  • Added – new in-app chat support features
  • Added – Easily add contacts to Groups
  • Added – Admin feature to allow editing of the “amount” field on Sales Opportunities
  • Added – Admin feature to allow users to change the task “complete” date/time
  • Added – Expanding and collapsing all notes within the right hand tab
  • Added – Duplicating a contact will add it to the same group as the original contact
  • Added – search by last name when viewing all contacts
  • Added – search by company when creating Sales Opportunity
  • Consolidated Layouts for all view for Contacts, Groups, and Sales

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed – Sales – Custom sales labels were not being reflected
  • Fixed – Sales – Time-zone issues when changing dates on sales opportunities
  • Fixed – Sales – Sales fields could not generate history
  • Fixed – Sales – Sales opportunity records did not load the correct layout by default
  • Fixed – Sales – Sales opportunities could not be exported when the export contained fields with certain properties
  • Fixed – Sales Report – Sales report date ranges were not including the terminal dates
  • Fixed – Sales Report – Could not select sales fields for the sales report
  • Fixed – Sales Report – Newlines in sales reports called incorrect formatting in the sales report
  • Fixed – Activity Report – Activity reports were leading to a 404 error
  • Fixed – Email Templates – Email template borders were not being updated correctly
  • Fixed – Email Templates – Email template previews failed under certain conditions
  • Fixed – Email Templates – Viewing certain templates would cause the user to be logged off
  • Fixed – Email Templates – Special characters in the subject line would prevent a campaign from being created from a template
  • Fixed – Email Templates – View template from the campaign edit page resulted in an error
  • Fixed – Groups – Groups were not displaying their associated sales opportunities
  • Fixed – Groups – Inconsistencies in presentation on group records
  • Fixed – Company Profile – Uploaded company logo was not automatically placed in newly created templates
  • Fixed – Campaigns – Users’ personal time-zone settings were not being followed while scheduling campaigns
  • Fixed – Create Contact – Edit list popup did not work for drop down fields on the contact creation page
  • Fixed – Option to always use the full site on mobile devices was not respected

Release 4.8.6640 – March 8, 2018

Enhancements & improvements

    • Added Improved Quick Search
    • Added Last Note Date field on Contact record
    • Added total Sales Amount on View Sales page
    • Added Improved View Contacts dropdown
  • Added Improved Task and Activity lists and fixed filtering

Bug Fixes

    • Fixed – Import – csv format issues
    • Fixed – Import/Previous Imports – issues with creating lookups from these data sets
    • Fixed – Dashboards – issues with creating/editing dashboards for campaign data
    • Fixed – Groups – various issues with viewing and filtering group data
    • Fixed – Groups – issue that caused the website to hang when accessing sub groups
    • Fixed – Scheduler – issue setting a timeless task
    • Fixed – Scheduler – issue when creating a task in IE
    • Fixed – Sales – issues with multi-select fields
    • Fixed – Sales – issue where selecting default layout is not respected
    • Fixed – Sales – issue when viewing certain sales fields
    • Fixed – Reports – various bug fixes
    • Fixed – Lookups – various bug fixes
    • Fixed – Send Email – various issues when sending an email template
    • Fixed – Email Templates – issue when attempting to edit certain email templates
    • Fixed – Manage Users – issue with cache when adding user
  • Fixed – Manage Users – error was being shown when adding a new user’s contact information

Release 4.8.6610 – February 8, 2018

Enhancements & improvements

  • Added improved Company profile with Logo
  • Added improved Email Template Creation based on Company Profile
  • Added improved Manage Fields functionality
  • Added Email Calendar Invites
  • Added improved Schedule task functionality

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed – Email Editor – creating/editing campaign sometimes fails
  • Fixed – Email Editor – insert links fixes
  • Fixed – Email Editor – opening two email templates within the same browser (different tabs)
  • Fixed – Email Editor – editing links sometimes breaks
  • Fixed – Group record – creation of lookup when navigating to contact
  • Fixed – Group record – manager dropdown
  • Fixed – Group record – contacts sometimes don’t show up
  • Fixed – Campaign Details – various bug fixes and statistic fixes
  • Fixed – View campaigns – fixed sorting and filtering in certain situations
  • Fixed – Reports – various bug fixes
  • Fixed – Reports – updated user interface
  • Fixed – Manage Fields – City field now defaults to “Enter custom value” turned on
  • Fixed – Manage Fields – fixed several issues with creating new fields
  • Fixed – Subscriptions – can no longer delete default subscription
  • Fixed – Attachments – Attach file to Groups
  • Fixed – Attachments – Fixed drag and drop for file attachments
  • Fixed – sending emails to non-contacts
  • Fixed – Group list doesn’t scroll in some cases
  • Fixed – fixed issues with phone formatting
  • Fixed – required fields are now consistent and display as required when creating a contact and in the contact record
  • Fixed – Editing of some fields on the “See More..” pages
  • Fixed – issues with searching on phone number in quick search
  • Fixed – prevent deletion of user’s contact record
  • Fixed – fixed new admin user default settings
  • Fixed on Mobile app – several field types when updating a group record

Release 4.8.6541 – November 28, 2017

Enhancements & improvements

  • Added improved Company profile with Logo
  • Added quick tips on initial login for new users
  • Added First name and Last name auto-parsing on Create Contact form
  • Added option to limit email template edit access to admin users
  • Added ability to Automatically Push changes in Groups fields to assoc. contacts
  • Improved quick search and several bug fixes
  • Improved email template editor
  • Improved contact imports
  • Added Groups functionality to mobile app/web view

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed – Mail Merge – Send to Word – Downloaded Word doc appears blank
  • Fixed – Issue where user cannot delete items under Sales > See More Sales
  • Fixed – Opt-in Email not showing subscription options
  • Fixed – View Opportunities – particular users cannot see sales opportunities
  • Fixed – View Sales Opportunities displays nothing if custom sales fields in grid
  • Fixed – Activity Report for cleared calls returns no data
  • Fixed – Creating contact with checkboxes will cause error
  • Fixed – Mass Update doesn’t work on Multi-Select fields
  • Fixed – Text Box on left side layout breaks create contact
  • Fixed – After sending email, you will now navigate back to client record

Release 4.8.6493 – October 18, 2017

Enhancements & improvements

  • Improved email template editor including file library links and image gallery
  • Improved single email campaign page (Send Email function)
  • Improved Mail Merge and fixed several issues including added search functionality
  • Improved Group Contacts panel
  • Improved Campaigns page including optimizations and fixed issues with subscriptions
  • Improved Campaign Details page including optimizations and last clicked urls
  • Improved Import Contacts functionality
  • Improved Notes Report fixed several issues
  • Improved Activity Report
  • Improved Task list details and added easy preview/edit functionality
  • Improved Contact Documents panel including adding drag and drop from contact record
  • Added ability to have custom value entries when a field is marked as a drop-down (without changing the drop down list)
  • Added ability to create campaigns based on due date
  • Added ability to organize “regarding” messages on tasks

Mobile Apps

  • Fixed – mobile app download links
  • Fixed – accessing mobile site under certain conditions throws error
  • Fixed – mobile app redirect to app instead of mobile website

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed – issue saving “push to contact” field on group field setting in “Create & Change Fields” page
  • Fixed – quick search when searching on groups
  • Fixed – sales opportunities not showing record manager
  • Fixed – issue when adding note to contact with a blank contact name
  • Fixed – multiple issues with subscriptions
  • Fixed – issue uploading attachment not showing up under notes
  • Fixed – issues viewing notes on certain contact records
  • Fixed – issues opening image gallery on email template editor
  • Fixed – issues with some system fields

Release 4.8.6466 – September 14, 2017

Notes report improvements

  • fixed issues with several time-outs
  • fixed issues with certain report parameters not returning any results

Email templates improvements

  • fixed issues where in certain circumstances, email templates would display as empty
  • fixed issues where in certain circumstances, email templates were not listed
  • fixed some errors when opening and editing a template
  • fixed issue when editing email subject

Lookup improvements and fixes

  • fixed certain types of time-outs
  • fixed several errors being thrown
  • fixed issues with sort order in the lookup results grid
  • fixed issues with “make this my lookup” when saving the results as well as navigation issues to the “view lookup’ pages

IOS App Improvements

  • fixed phone links
  • fixed issues when accessing the mobile site and the desktop site
  • fixed issue where email links were not working
  • “go to full site” should now open browser appropriately

Android App released

Jive Voip Integration released

Other Improvements

  • Campaigns – implemented option for admins only to create campaigns
  • Notes on the “See More Notes” page are now collapsed by default
  • When sending single email campaign, “Save body” is now the default

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed – Lookup results for lookups that used multi-select fields gave inconsistent results
  • Fixed – Logon page chat icon had invalid link
  • Fixed – Forgot Password link caused an error
  • Fixed – issue where images under the email template editor gallery were not showing up properly
  • Fixed – several GetEmail issues
  • Fixed – several Dashboard related errors
  • Fixed – several View Opportunities errors
  • Fixed – issue in certain circumstances where an error was displayed when opening a contact record
  • Fixed – issues with initial values in field settings
  • Fixed – issue where the email body in Note history was being overwritten by a click/open event
  • Fixed – issue with international telephone numbers

Release 4.8.6403 – July 19, 2017


    • Improved infrastructure stability and are continuing to improve and upgrade our backend servers for further application stabilization and performance
    • Improved the generation of the Activity Report and should load faster
    • Improved the date search filter
    • Improved some of the result tables on the campaign analytics page that would at times hang or run slowly
  • Improved Quick Search – user can save a quick search field as a default by selecting the “Set default” button in the Quick Search field menu
  • Improved IQDial integration (Beta)

Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with navigating to Google Maps on address change
    • Fixed issues with campaign analytics page updates and filter counts
    • Multi-select values should display correctly in search results
    • Fixed issues with erroneous quick search popup messages
    • Fixed issues when editing a contact list and attempting to remove contacts from a lookup
    • Fixed Create lookup error in certain cases when searching against the Create Date.
    • Fixed an issue in certain cases when logging a call with a note
  • Numerous mobile site fixes

Release 4.8.6316 – April 20, 2017


  • Save View Opportunities Filter Settings
  • Ability to Customize the Available Fields on Create New Contact page.
  • Improvements in Link encoding in email templates/campaigns for deliverability reasons.
  • Ability to set sequence of Sales Stage for use in Funnel Report.
  • Check for FullContact social profiles when Email Address is added or edited.
  • Performance Improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Saved Lookups did not include Not and Or settings
  • Problems with searching against Multi-Select fields.
  • Problems with uploading large files to Contact Docs
  • When adjusting Dashboard Filters resulting Contacts on click through were incorrect.
  • Previous and Next not working when coming from View All Contacts page.
  • Errors using Search Bar in View All Contacts page.
  • Errors when Importing files with email addresses.
Email List Enrichment