SalesNexus Release Notes – February 2020

by | Feb 7, 2020

Exciting new features are arriving to SalesNexus users!

Let’s take a look at the improvements for the SalesNexus Release scheduled for Thursday, February 6th, 2020.

Read on for the latest and greatest!

Release February 6th, 2020

Enhancements & Improvements


  • 1917 – For import, check duplicate on email address by default
  • 1911 – Ability to Sync Google & Outlook Contacts on the Import Page
  • 1918 – When finished importing, save that mapping as last used
  • 1915  – Add the ability to +add a new field from the imports page
  • 1916 – Verify all setting are correct prior to continuing during the import steps
  • 1923 – When looking at the previous imports page, add the ability to set current lookup from previous import
  • 1941 – Introduced Smart Auto Mapping for fields in Imports Introduced Smart Auto Mapping for fields in Imports
  • 1943 – When mapping data, give tooltip with sample data to help the user match the column.

Email Campaign

  • 1890 – Set a character limit on campaign name, template name, email campaign subject
  • 1924 – Change the order of the campaigns menu
  • 1927 – Make Template Name an editable textbox by clicking to open
  • 1928 – Start A Campaign from any Email Template email campaign template
  • 1930 – Make a thumbnail preview of the email template on the email campaign screen
  • 1932 – In View a Campaign details page, make the “Show..” button display whatever is selected
  • 1934 – Added Open/Clicks Visibility & Date Filters
    • Ability to view Campaigns Open & Click Rates from the View Campaigns Page
    • Added Ability to Sort Campaign Results By Date in Campaign Details Page
    • Added date filter picker that affects the open/clicks/emails sent number


  • 1952 – Remove delete option for the all contacts security group

Bug Fixes

  • 1929 – When copying an email template, the name should be named exactly as typed in (no underscores or “Copy”)
  • 1940 – View Sales Report page not saving user selection
  • 1959 – Saving and loading mapping checkboxes were not working properly in the imports page
  • 1969 – remove DKIM warning from Company Profile & Create Campaign pages, send from in email engine
  • 1973 – FTs updating their user info could change the contact id/status incorrectly in SNL
  • 1987 – Update the automation database on edit list and when importing csv file. Basically editing/creating contacts using these methods will work correctly when working with Automation.
  • 1988 – Improved compatibility with Outlook Capture
  • 2004 – Bug fix that prevented users from saving their company name.
  • Various Additional Security Improvements

What are you wanting to see in the next release? Let us know in the comments below!

Email List Enrichment