Using CRM to Find and Hire the Right Salesperson

by | Feb 13, 2018

Every business must know what they need from each salesperson and they need to know how to find the people who can deliver those results. Using CRM can help you accomplish all of the above and more, primarily by removing the guesswork.

What Does Your Business Need?

It is not only impossible but also quite silly to say to that young, talented and ambitious salesperson in front of you, “Now go out there and crush that quota,” when you don’t even have a quota. When you have effective sales CRM for measurement you can track numbers like key sales metrics and establish benchmarks. You won’t have to guess, you will know exactly what you need from every member of the sales team.

Understanding and being able to see data about leads generated, calls made or proposals sent, for example, will translate into being able to clearly define goals. Not only will CRM better enable you to communicate your expectations to your salespeople it will also help your business to visualize and gauge progress.


Using CRM software can help you find and hire the best salespeople.

Now that you know and have defined what your business needs, that data and information can then be manipulated in order to help you find and hire the best talent.

Your Business Needs the Best

There are essentially two methods for finding and hiring the best sales talent. Sales managers know and search out the qualities in candidates that define the best sales talent. Some years back an enlightening article from the Harvard Business Review listed some traits found in leading salespeople (some of these may surprise you):

  • Modesty
  • Conscientiousness
  • Achievement Orientation
  • Curiosity
  • Lack of Gregariousness
  • Lack of Discouragement
  • Lack of Self-Consciousness

Seeking out those traits is one good method of locating your next sales superstar. The other method is more definitive and it can be measured. Using the data and insights availed through CRM such as meetings held, referrals obtained and close rates will reveal who is and who isn’t performing.

Of course, finding that amazing talent who exhibits those unique traits and looking for the data to back it up is the advantage of combining both methods. Getting and finding the right talent is no longer guesswork. Numbers don’t lie and that is nowhere more true than it is in the world of sales and marketing.

Just like your business needs to know what kind of numbers are needed to deliver success and like your salespeople need defined goals, your business needs a way to accomplish both…

Your Business Needs CRM

It is no secret that businesses win with technology today. Using technology to provide knowledge and information along with data and insights, companies are making success a science. Part of that science includes an effective CRM system that empowers your team, guides your goals and measures success.

An effective CRM system will generate leads that are viable, qualified and ready to be converted. This will empower your team to meet quotas and reach goals. Being able to define those goals using the power of CRM, your business will stay on track, stay on target and be able to succeed. That success can also be measured and your best salespeople will quickly be discovered.

The right CRM will help your business and your sales team succeed. Much of that success will always begin and end with the hands and feet of your company, your salespeople. This means that finding, hiring and keeping the best salespeople is critical. Using CRM to find and hire that talent is more than smart, it is good math.

Numbers don’t lie. Know who those quota-crushers are and find the best possible salespeople using CRM. Your business needs them and your success depends on them.

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